Lecture � CS182 Intelligent machines

Greg Detre

@14:30 on Monday, September 23, 2002


uninformed search

state, actions, goal test, path cost



easier to think about actions as moving the space (rather than the tiles)???

8-puzzle has 181440 states, 15-puzzle has 1.3 trillion (solve in about a millesecond), 24-puzzle has 1025

giga���� 109������������������ quintillion�???

tera����� 1012

peta���� 1015

exa������ 1018


8 queens problem

constraint-satisfaction � position 8 queens on a chessboard without any of them being able to attack another

the number of states depends on how you define the problem

if you define the state as 0�8 queens such that no queens are attacking each other � a valid action is to place a queen in the left-most column s.t. it is not attacked by any other queen

somewhere between 8! and cube-root of 8!


romanian roads problem


uninformed search

search tree � closed nodes (already checked), open nodes (yet to be checked)

distinguish between node in the search tree itself and a state in the problem domain

a node in the search tree will represent a state in the problem domain, but it will contain much more information (e.g. how you got there), and so there will be more nodes in the search tree than states in the problem domain

depth � how many levels down the search tree did you have to go to get to that depth

path cost � total cost to get to a given node

frontier � all the nodes that are currently open

performance metrics

a complete algorithm (always finds a solution if a solution exists), vs an optimal algorithm (finds the minimum path solution)

b branching factor � number of children of a given node

d solution depth (to optimal solution)

m maximum length of a path

time � total number of nodes � in total, over the whole algorithm

space�� maximum number of nodes (in queue, at any one time)


in uninformed search, we can only distinguish goal states from non-goal states, and generate successors

vs informed search, where we have heuristics and �


search algorithm

check whether we�re at the goal

get the children, add them to the queue

check the next in the queue


uniform cost � depth first, grow by the cost



complete and optimal

space gets to be a problem first, quite often

Walmart has 12Tb of data, apparently

DFS time complexity O(bm) � the textbook is wrong if it says O(bd)

exponential time complexity but good space complexity

if we know a bit more about the problem, then you can simply capth the maximum depth


diameter of the search space � maximum number of actions to get from the initial state to any other state

requires you to know which state is furthest


iterative deepening search

visits new nodes in the same order as BFS

but it drastically cuts down the space requirements (because you�re not maintaining the whole frontier in space)

it can involve revisiting nodes though

don�t understand the cheaper-than-BFS solution he considers next� (magic � IDS is faster)???


bi-directional search

also search back from the goal state

reduces time complexity from bd to 2bd/2

best case is when the branching factor is symmetric in the forward/reverse directions (e.g. from 11m to 22,000)

requires you to know more about where your goal is, i.e. enumerate goals rather than just a T/F goal test

assume that your actions can go backwards/don�t lose information, i.e. the reverse operator might have a very large branching factor (e.g. predecessors to a checkmate state)

you have a problem checking when your start-forwards and goal-reverse states meet

this creates a space problem

if you want to do a fast comparison (O(k), i.e. constant time look-up) between your two directional searches, then a hash table takes a lot of space

so you could have a trade-off, which takes less space, but won�t be so fast checking

you can also try and only maintain the interesting parts of the frontier


avoiding repeated states

�any algorithm that forgets history is doomed to repeat it� � AIMA

it doesn�t take much memory to be sure that you never revisit a parent/ancestor node (will only avoid infinite loops), but it takes much more memory to remember all the states you�ve visited (but this still isn�t as bad as BFS, because you don�t have to remember the nodes, just the states (i.e. the cities, not the routes to get there)





reading: AIMA 1,2,3,4-4.3

data-mining project, paid

Michael Kearns � Monday 30th Sept, 4pm, New models and algorithms for computational game theory � MD G125

filll in section sheet

